Resultados para la búsqueda "future of work" : 1 resultados
AI, automation and human work: from the race to the agreement
Pilar Ficapal-Cusí

Automation is the process of replacing human work with machines and aims to make certain tasks in the workplace more efficient. This article reviews the effects of the link between automation and artificial intelligence (AI) on people’s work. In principle, the constant improvement of AI and its ever-wider use have favoured the automation of an increasing number of tasks, particularly non-routine tasks traditionally performed only by people. This has meant that many occupations, both low- and high-skilled, as well as many workers, are in danger of being replaced after losing the race with technology. However, a review of the effects, based on the level of skills, occupations, and workers, indicates that automation is still focused on replacing routine and low-skilled tasks and occupations. If automation and AI can boost productivity to the point where new and better jobs are created and if workers acquire the skills to interact with AI, a future of enhanced work, of agreement between people and machines, is also possible.

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