«Ei! (Estem aquí)»: a real estate agency for pop-up stores
This article explains my final project for a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). It consists of a business plan and has been carried out in accordance with the course plan.
Ei! (Estem aquí) is a real estate marketplace where entrepreneurs and landlords share commercial estate to test a business idea or exhibit a product during a short period of time. The period can vary, from just a few hours for a brand or a product presentation, to months or even a year, depending on the company’s strategy. This project goes to market to meet the business community’s needs. It is for entrepreneurs who want to exhibit new products or promote a new business idea, but don’t have enough funds to acquire or rent a retail space for an indeterminate length of time.
To attend to these needs, the company offers competitive prices compared to its competitors, helped by the improved productivity achieved with its online platform and the outsourcing of all processes that are not core business. The company can provide an innovative and high quality service that puts the client at the centre of the business. Also of much importance is the consultancy service that provides legal, administrative, marketing and IT advice to entrepreneurs who want to develop a business but don’t know how to get started.
- Saved in the UOC’s institutional repository (O2) <http://hdl.handle.net/10609/56949>, a portal that collects, preserves and makes available in open access digital publications by members of the UOC, produced in the course of their research, teaching and management activities.

He holds bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration and in Journalism, as well as a master’s degree in International Business Management. He has worked for over five years as a journalist and now combines assignments with work for an influencers agency in London.