Marketing research with mobile devices: a slow awakening
Just as the mobile revolution has had a profound impact on society, has created new economic activities and modified existing ones, the marketing research industry has not remained at the margin of all these transformations. As we will see below, mobile technologies have represented new challenges and opportunities for the professionals in the sector, creating new ways to collect data from consumers who participate in market research studies. However, in spite of the advantages that the use of mobile methodologies involve for industry, their adoption and diffusion as a technique to collect information still remains fairly limited. This article includes the data on research methodologies used by the sector and identify the main factors that have influenced the adoption of mobile market research, whether to incentivise or limit their use.

Doctorate in Society of Information and Knowledge at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), with a thesis on the adoption of mobile technology in the market research sector. Degree in Market Research and Techniques and a diploma in Business Science from the University of Barcelona (UB). Professor in Economic and Business Studies at the UOC since 2004, where she coordinates subjects in the field of marketing, market research and responsible consumption and marketing. Since 2014, she has held the post of director of the degree programme in Marketing and Market Research. Previously, her professional experience was linked to strategy consultancy in market research. Her R&D&I is mainly situated in the field of digital marketing and, more specifically, of online and mobile market research. In addition, she researches the field of responsible marketing and consumption. She has also written about virtual training in the workplace and on the assessment of the economic, social and environmental impact of tourist events.