Resultados para la búsqueda "women 25-45" : 1 resultados
The influence of Sense Girls on women aged between 25 and 45
Marina Sánchez Marcos

The loss of influence of conventional media, due to the emergence of the Internet, has increased the concerns of brands in terms of ascertaining how to influence different segments that exist in Spain. However, there is a factor that continues to influence people: the opinions of third parties (formerly offline and now also online). Therefore, it is interesting for brands to analyse new opinions transmitted online by third parties, that may also be influencers and who are the focus of this study.

With this in mind, this research focuses on the perception of women between 25 and 45 years old, (a segment of Spanish society – the target group) of the Sense Girls (as key influencers in the fashion, beauty and Fitness/Life & Style sectors, important for the target group) on YouTube and Instagram, focusing on how they communicate and how they could be taken into account in the field of marketing/communication.

Since this information could not be obtained from secondary sources, an ad hoc quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (focus group, in-depth interviews, channel analysis) investigation has been carried out.

As a result of this research, it can be concluded that the Sense Girls should be used in the marketing strategies of brands, differentiating communication types for each of the clusters into which women between 25 and 45 are divided.

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