Resultados para la búsqueda "PYMES" : 2 resultados
Social Media Opportunities for SMEs
Montserrat PeƱarroya i Farell

Nowadays, social media have become a major marketing tool for businesses. But, in addition to being an excellent tool for managing the relationship with customers, social media are also used by companies for many other purposes. This article analyses these other uses.

PIMESCAT 2.0: e-learning and ICT Competitiveness Factors
Joan Manzanares

This article explains my final project of the Master in Education and ICT of the UOC (Catalan Open University), which has been prepared following the training program in management projects and organizations with the application of ICT.

The project PIMESCAT 2.0 aims to create a meeting platform for the Catalan SMEs to carry out joint training and conduct ICT training courses for employees of SMEs, which contribute to improve their competitiveness.

This project has been developed following the ADDIE model, as reflected in the structure of the project report, where each phase is explained: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation of the project. In this course I have developed and implemented a sample unit within a Moodle environment, more specifically, unit 7, dedicated to the design and use of blogs. The pedagogical model of this project is based in Learning by doing.

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