Resultados para la búsqueda "business games" : 1 resultados
Using games and business games in a learning environment
Enric Serradell López

Business simulations or business games are increasingly used in classrooms around the world. This paper presents some concepts related to the growing use of gamification in the
classroom and proposes a terminology to help ensure their dissemination in a clear manner. The main advantages of the use of serious games in a teaching environment are presented in the results of an investigation that permanently studies the impact of the use of business simulations in the skills of the participants. The main advantages of the use of serious games in an educational environment are the ability to extend and deepen the knowledge acquired by participants through problem solving and decision making in real time, without affecting decisions or any critical key resources, and give more confidence to the participants to make critical decisions in the future. In the coming years, we will see an extension of the process of gamification and the use of simulators in teaching environments.

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