Resultados para la búsqueda "Gómez-Cedeño, Milena" : 1 resultados
People in the Supply Chain: 19 years of research
Milena Gómez-Cedeño, Laura Guitart i Tarrés, Shantall Morantes Guerra, Yohana Li Zeng

Human Resources Management (HRM) with a focus on Supply Chain Management (SCM) empowers companies to effectively manage their supply chains. This article justifies the importance of the study of Human Resources in the Supply Chain (HRSC) and provides an in-depth analysis of research in these two fields, which reveals their potentialities and shortcomings. Thus, the thematic areas addressed have been identified, as well as their main contributions and the existence of gaps in the literature. From the analysis, 53 publications have been identified that highlight the potential of HRSC. The results show that, in the last four (4) years between 2012 and 2017, there has been a significant increase of 49% in HRSC research.

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