Occupational health is an important issue in people's lives. Having healthy companies that contribute to maintaining and improving the health of their workers and their environment also has direct effects on the performance, productivity and benefits of organizations. The effects on workers of the implementation of different healthy company programmes are analysed. Three different and complementary models are presented so that professionals responsible for people in organizations can choose which model best suits their needs. The models of healthy companies are proposed by the ENWHP, created with the support of the European Union, by AENOR, through which a Healthy Company certificate can be obtained, and by the WONT team at the Universitat Jaume I, which has a clear psychosocial focus. Fulfilling the specifications of any of these models will allow an affirmative answer to the question posed.
Telework involves a different approach to working. This can lead to certain health problems (technostress, technofatigue, technoaddiction, etc.) and may prevent others (musculoskeletal injuries due to cargo handling, etc.). The psychosocial risk factors that may affect their role are modified. Aspects like the almost constant use of technology or the changing personal relationships can have a positive or a negative impact. Therefore, the definition of telework must take into account strategies to prevent these potential risks, ensure optimal time management, have adequate emotional management and communication skills and a proper job.