Resultados para la búsqueda "She-Os" : 1 resultados
Where are the She-Os? An integrative approach of the personal and professional life determinant factors
Natàlia Cugueró-Escofet, Pere Suau-Sanchez

The lack of gender diversity at CEO level is a critical problem in many industries, as it prevents organisations from taking advantage of the whole pool of available talent. Women have progressively been incorporated in all professional domains. Although this process is taking place with unevenness, women are in positions that were traditionally occupied solely by men. In parallel, legal recognition of women’s labour rights evolved and many legal systems worldwide have advanced towards a mandatory non-discrimination approach. Nevertheless, women remain underrepresented in power and decision-making positions. A variety of theoretical approaches, from organisational theory, sociology, psychology and economics have tried to unravel the causes behind that and the possible solutions to change the tendency. We consider that to advance, we need a theoretical framework that integrates these perspectives in order to achieve: 1) an understanding of the whole personal, academic and professional life cycle; 2) identify the key determinant factors along the life cycle, and 3) study in depth the relative importance of each determinant and their interactions from women’s perspective, decision-making and context. This perspective provides new insights to approach the problem, which is complex and multicausal, in a comprehensive and practically oriented way.

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