In this interview Elisenda Paluzie analyses the origins of the so-called Post Crash movement in Catalonia and the effects on a renowned institution such as the one she heads: the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Barcelona (UB). Paluzie believes this critical movement, which began following the recent economic crisis, is principally rooted in a lack of plurality in teaching, which can be based on three elements: theory, methodology and interdisciplinarity. She comments on how these three factors are treated in her faculty and ends on the need for the teaching of economics to evolve. In this regard she highlights ‘The core Project’, an initiative with a goal to reset the approach to economics teaching with new coursebooks, in the belief that the materials currently holding sway continue to approach matters as if during the last 20 years nothing had occurred.
This article reflects on the history of the loss of plurality in economics, from an autobiographical perspective and with regard to some of the key moments in the discipline. To do so the article embarks on an exploration of economics learning in three cities at three different periods, telling five stories.