Social Innovation and how it is arriving into society
Social Innovation is an emerging phenomenon where groups of people are connected to face mutual challenges. Social innovation is arriving into society through internet based platforms and social networking that allow people with the same objectives to get in touch.
Social innovation formats are diverse, and they are based on the exchange of things and services, the shared use of resources, knowledge transmission, and reliability related to collective reputation.
Social innovation is consolidating because it is based on changes in users' values, in the demand for services, and in the way services are consumed. Phenomena like Airbnb, Uber or Goteo are the tip of the iceberg of Social Innovation in Spain, a process that is just beginning.
She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering from BarcelonaTech (UPC) and graduate qualifications in Project Management and Planning from the Catalan Institute of Technology (ICT), in e-Learning from the Open University of Catalonia and in one module of Management Development from the IE Business School.
She has committed all of her professional life to consultancy, in its early stages with multi-national companies such as Norsistemas or Deloitte Consulting.
In 2003 she returned to Mallorca and was innovation manager at the Balear Technical Innovation Park (Parc BIT), and since 2005 she has been working freelance (under the brand InnoBalears) as a specialist in Innovation Management for businesses, universities and entities linked to public administrations at regional, national, European and international levels. She is a lecturer in Innovation for various degree and post-graduate level departments, and since 2009 has been researching Social Innovation and the mechanisms through which it reaches society, among which figures the collaborative economy.
Inno-balears website:
Posts on the InnoBalears blog, tagged under Social Innovation:
Social innovation themed collaboration with Namaste magazine: