Secciones Dossier: "A holistic view of well-being: personal sovereignty, state and sustainability" coordinated by Fernando Álvarez (1) Dossier: "Social responsibility: a management model that cannot be postponed" coordinated by August Corrons Giménez (1) Dossier: «Innovation and digital transformation: challenges and opportunities» coordinated by Mihaela Enache Zegheru and Ramon González Cambray (1) Dossier: «People and organizations facing the "new?" ways of working» coordinated by Eva Rimbau Gilabert (1) Dossier: «Redefining infrastructures for sustainable mobility» coordinated by Pere Suau-Sanchez and Eduard J. Alvarez Palau (1) Dossier: "25 years of Economics and Business Studies at the UOC: reflections on the future" coordinated by María Jesús Martínez Argüelles and Joan Miquel Gomis López (1) Dossier: "Vectors of sustainability: visions from the economy" coordinated by Albert Puig Gómez (1) Dossier on collaborative economy (I): Platform economies and collaborative business, coordinated by Joan Torrent-Sellens (1) Dossier on collaborative economy (& II): New strategies and alternative aspects of the platform economy, coordinated by Lluís Alfons Garay Tamajón (1) Dossier: «Gender and business: towards real equality» coordinated by Laura Lamolla Kristiansen (1) Dossier «Revolution 4.0: progress or precariousness?» coordinated by Josep Lladós (1) Dossier «Digital marketing: revolutionising consumption and society» coordinated by Irene Esteban (1) Dossier «The Future of Finance: Ethics, Technology and Globalisation» coordinated by Joan Llobet (1) Dossier: «Logistics and supply chain in the new digital age» coordinated by Marta Viu Roig (1) Dossier: «Leading people to transform organizations in times of uncertainty»
coordinated by Pilar Ficapal-Cusí (1)
Dossier: «Keys to understanding today's tourism»
coordinated by Francesc González and Soledad Morales (1)
Dossier: «Social and Solidarity Economy: Experiences and Challenges» (1) Dossier: «Rethinking the teaching of economics in universities» coordinated by Carolina Hintzmann (1) Dossier: «Prevention of occupational risks: trends in times of crisis» (1) Dossier: «Realities and challenges of the European Union» (1) Dossier: Social media, economics and business (1) Dossier (1)
Temas decent work and economic growth (87) industry, innovation and infrastructure (53) sustainable cities and communities (36) responsible consumption and production (36) good health and well-being (23) quality education (20) sustainability (17) gender equality (15) collaborative economy (14) reduced inequalities (11) digitization (10) partnerships for the goals (9) ICT (9) digital transformation (8) telework (7) e-learning (7) no poverty (6) climate action (6) innovation (6) affordable and clean energy (6) artificial intelligence (AI) (6) competitiveness (5) competences (5) supply chain (5) market research (5) leadership (5) social media (5) tourism (5) gender (4) public policies (4) human resources (4) economics (4) employment (4) platform economy (4) flexibility (4) eCommerce (4) pluralism (4) logistics (4) sustainable tourism (4) political economy (4) occupational health (4) European Union (4) health (3) education (3) peace, justice and strong institutions (3) social responsibility (3) corporate social responsibility (3) management (3) society (3) augmented reality (3) new forms of work (3) COVID-19 (3) marketing (3) teaching of economics (3) energy transition (3) social and solidarity economy (3) blockchain (3) management (3) robotics (3) productivity (3) FinTech (3) economic theory (3) occupational health prevention (3) economic growth (2) Welfare State (2) democracy (2) capitalism (2) business ethics (2) CSR (2) organizations (2) clean water and sanitation (2) learning outcomes (2) technology (2) change (2) strategy (2) work-life balance (2) platform workers (2) feedback (2) last mile (2) mobility (2) road network (2) sustainable development (2) teaching (2) economic thinking (2) VUCA (2) ethics (2) value (2) globalisation (2) transport (2) labour market (2) neoclassical economics (2) Airbnb (2) sharing economy (2) digital platforms (2) cooperative work (2) consumer behaviour (2) platforms (2) digital economy (2) collaborative consumption (2) governance (2) entrepreneur (2) labour market (2) industry 4.0 (2) technological change (2) mobile devices (2) digital marketing (2) ethical banking (2) financial innovation (2) digital currency (2) supply chain management (SCM) (2) 3D printing (2) workaholism (2) passion at work (2) lifestyle (2) personality (2) scales (2) psychosocial risks (2) safety (2) co-operatives (2) complementary currencies (2) ethical finance (2) social entrepreneurship (2) heterodox economics (2) neoclassical theory (2) EEES (2) knowledge economy (2) remote working (2) satisfaction study (2) positioning (2) triathlon (2) telecommunications (2) electricity (2) quality (2) MOOC (2) PYMES (2) social media (2) business (2) employability (2) evasion (1) avoidance (1) tax morale (1) voluntary tax compliance (1) endocrine disruptor (1) menopause (1) toxic substances (1) community (1) social welfare (1) cohousing (1) self care (1) personal wellbeing (1) self-knowledge (1) relationships (1) contribution (1) public finance (1) public expenditure (1) efficiency (1) bureaucracy (1) pensions (1) wellbeing (1) demographics (1) social contributions (1) public/state education (1) social inequality (1) equal opportunities (1) private education (1) wage differential / pay gap (1) economic well-being (1) human development index (HDI) (1) gross domestic product (GDP) (1) alternative indicators (1) development policies (1) neoclassical model (1) stockholder theory (1) Economics and Business (1) ESG (1) trends (1) future scenarios (1) citizen enterprise (1) green transition (1) planetary boundaries (1) climate emergency (1) de-/post-growth (1) human needs (1) synergistic satisfactors (1) SDG (1) cooperation (1) proximity (1) consumer society (1) stakeholders (1) product lifecycle (1) quality of life indicators (1) public and private procurement (1) awareness (1) human resources direction (1) differences (1) demographic diversity (1) innovation orientation (1) digital banking (1) knowledge structure (1) organizational skills (1) innovation orientation risks (1) quantum information (1) quantum computation (1) quantum computers (1) digital culture (1) cultural change management (1) transfer (1) motivation (1) inside view (1) outside view (1) metaverse (1) gamification (1) second life (1) archetype (1) virtual reality (1) business (1) factors (1) companies (1) social media (1) user experience (1) loyalty (1) home appliance (1) daily life (1) women (1) employment (1) consumption (1) precariousness (1) employment changes (1) smart working (1) organizational change (1) implementación (1) employment relationships (1) project-driven organization (1) performance (1) hybrid work (1) transformation (1) group trust (1) emotional management (1) virtual team (1) city logistics (1) UFD (1) logistics stakeholders (1) congestion (1) city access (1) metropolitan public transport (1) multi-airport (1) system (1) territory (1) demand (1) micromobility (1) cycling (1) e-scooters (1) mobility as a service (MaaS) (1) shared mobility (1) maritime transport (1) emission rights (1) emissions leakage (1) economic impact (1) ports (1) mobility as a service (1) data sharing (1) public-private collaboration (1) urban mobility (1) metropolitan avenues (1) urbanism (1) sustainable transport (1) urbanism and transport (1) financial function (1) valoración de activos (1) risk management (1) international finance (1) professionals (1) evolution (1) innovation in marketing (1) data era (1) social sciences (1) politics (1) rethinking economics (1) university (1) internationalization (1) decision-making (1) business models (1) diversity (1) inclusion (1) evolutionary economics (1) general purpose technologies (1) techno-economic paradigm (1) industrial rupture (1) supply chain (1) NTIC (1) last mile (1) tourist platform economics (1) job quality (1) employment digitization (1) geopolitics of renewable energy (1) history of energy (1) índice de pobreza multidimensional (1) asequibilidad (1) pobreza energética (1) pobreza hídrica (1) escalera de nivel de servicio (1) derechos humanos (1) zero hunger (1) ecological economics (1) political ecology (1) post-growth (1) Europe (1) green growth (1) sustainable recovery (1) financialization (1) water (1) privatization (1) London (1) theory of value (1) classical economics (1) development economics (1) sustainable development goals (SDGs) (1) urbanization (1) land occupation (1) rehabilitation (1) infrastructures (1) center-periphery (1) entropy (1) deacceleration (1) synergies (1) controversy (1) peer-to-peer accommodation (1) sanitization (1) home (1) hospitality (1) taxis (1) urban passenger transpor (1) platform work (1) voluntary work (1) circular economy (1) gig economy (1) collectives (1) self-employed (1) platform cooperativism (1) gig work (1) riders (1) Airbnb (1) digital marketplaces (1) peer-to-peer (1) pricing (1) network effects (1) two-sided markets (1) distributed networks (1) citizen energy community (1) conceptualization (1) conceptual framework (1) microtasks (1) crowdsourcing (1) atypical employment (1) gig economy (1) measures for work-life balance (1) human resource management (1) work motivation (1) work satisfaction (1) talent retention (1) woman (1) retail commerce (1) retail (1) entrepreneurship (1) skills-based factors (1) work-life balance (1) flexible organisation of work (1) work-life balance (1) labor arrangement types (1) life-course cycle (1) power relationships (1) quotas (1) boards of director (1) STEM (1) gender diversity (1) empowerment (1) She-Os (1) gender stereotypes (1) intention of starting a business (1) motherhood penalty (1) parental leave (1) application of Law (1) information Technology Law (1) AI judge (1) public administration (1) algorithms (1) data (1) professional profiles (1) industry 4.0 (1) industrial revolution (1) technological determinism (1) neutrality (1) autonomy technology (1) smart manufacturing (1) industrial firm (1) Spain (1) mobile research (1) on-line research (1) adoption (1) TOE (1) ESOMAR (1) AEDEMO (1) flow (1) online supermarkets (1) digital consumer (1) online purchase intention (1) e-loyalty (1) influencer (1) lovebrand (1) online (1) social consumer (1) conversation marketing (1) social network trends (1) social commerce (1) social shopping (1) SEO (1) search engine positioning (1) penalties (1) black hat SEO (1) Google (1) app (1) portability (1) geolocation (1) personalisation (1) privacy (1) instantaneousness (1) automation (1) m-commerce (1) behavioural patterns (1) strategic reorientation (1) competitive advantage (1) adventure sports (1) banking ethics (1) sustainable banking (1) banks (1) externalities (1) financial value (1) real value (1) social value (1) environmental value (1) bitcoin (1) currency market (1) payment system (1) cryptocurrency (1) blockchain (1) interest rates (1) exchange rate (1) term structure of interest rate (1) synchronized currency devaluation (1) fintech ecosystem (1) banking digitalisation (1) banking transformation (1) digital finance transformation (1) bank-fintech collaboration (1) financial sector (1) banking (1) digital innovation (1) logistics 4.0 (1) Mediterranean Corridor (1) SCM (1) axis gauge (1) freight transportation (1) supply chain (SC) (1) Human Resources (HR) (1) Human Resources Management (HRM) (1) specialization (1) core business (1) added value (1) outsourcing (1) externalització (1) additive manufacturing (1) value chain (1) logistic transformation (1) Internet of Things (1) Big Data (1) drones (1) omni-channel (1) shopping experience (1) industry (1) professional competences (1) sense girls (1) women 25-45 (1) influencers (1) inequality (1) human resource management (HRM) (1) talent management (1) people management (1) development (1) healthy organization (1) prevention of occupational hazards (1) occupational health surveillance (1) flexicurity (1) glocal (1) evidence-based management (1) people management (1) critical thinking (1) research-practice gap (1) servant leadership (1) ethical leadership (1) altruism (1) empowerment (1) justice (1) practical wisdom (1) shareholder-value (1) tourism governance (1) smart destinations (1) life on land (1) postmodernity (1) fordism (1) redistributive conflict (1) tourist multiplier (1) life below water (1) business case (1) stakeholders (1) CSR practices (1) CSR results (1) disruptive phenomena (1) responsible (1) Commons Collaborative Economies (1) complex thinking (1) monetary system (1) panarchy (1) adaptive cycle (1) cooperativism (1) shared (1) fair trade (1) responsible consumption (1) community currencies (1) solidary distribution of surplus (1) needs (1) social market (1) financial exclusion (1) cooperative banking (1) collaborative finance (1) non-profit organizations (1) financing models (1) labour-managed firms (1) B Corp (1) Economy for the common good (1) LETS (1) timebank (1) local currencies (1) social currencies (1) pop-up stores (1) start-up (1) commercial estate (1) local business (1) marketplace (1) economic history (1) post-Keynesian economics (1) post-crash (1) economics education (1) social sciences methodology (1) interdisciplinarity (1) applied economics (1) history of economic thought (1) retailing (1) assortment (1) private label (1) national brands (1) road traffic safety (1) ISO 39001 (1) road accident (1) preventive management (1) cost-benefit analysis (1) continuous improvement (1) psychological wellbeing (1) stress (1) transformational leadership (1) technostress (1) connectivity (1) availability (1) crisis (1) working conditions (1) risk (1) business excellence (1) risk prevention (1) health and safety (1) new technologies (1) millenials (1) food retail (1) automatic reposition (1) RFID (1) consumption pattern (1) recycling (1) online selling (1) low carbon (1) energy monopolies (1) energy policy (1) productivity convergence (1) Research and Development (I+D) (1) economic crisis (1) austerity policies (1) european monetary integration (1) Economic and Monetary Union (1) institutional reform (1) major recession (1) posicionament global (1) regionalisation (1) Wikipedia (1) higher education (1) good practice (1) social innovation (1) communities (1) collective intelligence (1) base of the pyramid (1) microfranchise (1) SWOT (1) key factors (1) indicators (1) target (1) rates (1) industry (1) engagement strategy (1) contagion effect (1) financial markets (1) knowledge management (1) information management (1) organisation (1) convergence (1) financial crisis (1) Oikonomics (1) university governance (1) structural change (1) networking (1) generic competences (1) online graduate (1) Business graduates (1) recruitment processes (1) distance learning (1) education (1) entrepreneurship (1) business games (1) games (1) e-feedbak (1) personalize feedback (1) games of chance (1) probability (1) simulation (1) expected value (1) ADDIE model (1) learning by doing (1) moodle (1)
Autores Gomis, Joan Miquel (11) Puig Gómez, Albert (6) Torrent-Sellens, Joan (6) Corrons, August (5) Lladós-Masllorens, Josep (5) Garay Tamajón, Lluís Alfons (5) Álvarez, Fernando (4) Canals, Agustí (4) Viu Roig, Marta (4) Álvarez-Palau, Eduard J. (4) Suau-Sanchez, Pere (4) Lamolla , Laura (4) Torrent-Sellens, Joan (4) González Reverté, Francesc (4) Baraza Sánchez, Xavier (3) Fitó Bertran, Àngels (3) Hintzmann, Carolina (3) Cugueró-Escofet, Natàlia (3) Martínez Argüelles, María Jesús (3) Llobet Dalmases, Joan (2) March, Hug (2) Jiménez Zarco, Ana Isabel (2) Rimbau-Gilabert, Eva (2) Castillo, Cristian (2) Pacheco Bernal, Carmen (2) Díaz, Pablo (2) Morales Pérez, Soledad (2) Ficapal-Cusí, Pilar (2) Mañé Estrada, Aurèlia (2) Cañigueral Bagó, Albert (2) Meseguer-Artola, Antoni (2) Esteban Millat, Irene (2) Budet Jofra, Xavier (2) Pérez Gómez, Alexis (2) Serrano Fernández, María José (2) Sabadell i Bosch, Mar (2) Galdos Valdecantos, Itziar (2) Trillas, Francesc (2) Miralbell Izard, Oriol (2) Fitó Bertran, Àngels (2) Batalla-Busquets, Josep-Maria (2) Esteller-Moré, Alejandro (1) Zaballa i Madrid, Esther (1) Segura Virella, Gemma (1) Corona Ramón, Juan Francisco (1) Díaz Álvarez, Amelia (1) López Domínguez, Laura (1) Cortés Rufé, Marc (1) Fitó, Àngels (1) Setó Pamies, Dolors (1) Toro Carnevali, Daniela (1) Fernández López, Manuel (1) Campomanes Calleja, Enrique (1) Llobet Abizanda, Montserrat (1) García-Carbonell, Natalia (1) Cerdan-Chiscano, Mònica (1) Callau Berenguer, Arturo (1) Margarit, Elisabeth (1) Martín Lineros, Eduard (1) Albiol Rodríguez, Jordi (1) Méndez-Aparicio, M. Dolores (1) Izquierdo-Yusta, Alicia (1) López Fernández, Daniel (1) Lara Guillén, Jorge (1) Enache Zegheru, Mihaela (1) González Cambray, Ramon (1) Sánchez-Aragón, Anna (1) Belzunegui-Eraso, Ángel (1) Erro-Garcés, Amaya (1) Pastor-Gosálbez, Inma (1) Fernández Rodríguez, Carlos Jesús (1) Lladós-Masllorens, Josep (1) Meseguer-Artola, Antoni (1) Sabadell i Bosch, Mar (1) Rincon-Roldan, Francisco (1) Rivera-Prieto, Juan Carlos (1) Pasamar, Susana (1) García Martínez, Jesús María (1) Sabadell i Bosch, Mar (1) Peñarroja Cabañero, Vicente (1) Jiménez Roig, Cristina (1) Ortiz Miguel, Adrià (1) Trapote-Barreira, César (1) Anaya-Boig, Esther (1) Martín Alcalde, Enrique (1) Morales Fusco, Pau (1) Laborda, Josep (1) Ortigosa Marín, Javier (1) Pérez Pérez, Maite (1) Pretel Fumadó, Lluís (1) Uribe Gil, Jorge Mario Uribe Gil (1) Cerdán, Mónica (1) Escobar, Dalilis (1) Serradell, Enric (1) Wilson, Julie (1) Motellón Corral, Elisabet (1) Martínez Argüelles, María Jesús (1) Pérez-Foguet, Agustí (1) Demaria, Federico (1) Hernández Asensi, Mireia (1) Kovacic, Zora (1) Adamiak, Czesław (1) Roelofsen, Maartje (1) Minca, Claudio (1) Doménech Pascual, Gabriel (1) Rodríguez-Piñero Royo, Miguel (1) Renau Cano, Melissa (1) Fuster Morell, Mayo (1) Espelt, Ricard (1) Rodríguez-Ardura, Inma (1) Hülskamp, Ian (1) Domènech Costafreda, Gemma (1) Ertz, Myriam (1) Malo, Miguel Ángel (1) Sánchez Santos, Javier (1) Ballestar, María Teresa (1) Sainz, Jorge (1) Morales Pallarés, Carolina (1) Zaragoza, Marta (1) Gálvez Mozo, Ana (1) González Ramos, Ana M. (1) González, Susana (1) Mateos, Ruth (1) Pérez-Quintana, Anna (1) Edo Jové, Alba (1) Martínez Zorrilla, David (1) Cerrillo i Martínez, Agustí (1) Pi Palomés, Xavier (1) Tuset-Peiró, Pere (1) Aibar, Eduard (1) Morales Solana, Doris (1) Alegret Cotes, Alejandro (1) Català, Josep M. (1) Soler Domenech, Clara (1) Navío Navarro, Mariché (1) Folguera Obiol, Xavier (1) Firmenich, Mario Eduardo (1) Sanchis-Palacio, Joan Ramon (1) Amat, Natàlia (1) Amat, Oriol (1) Domínguez Jurado, José Miguel (1) García Ruiz, Ricardo (1) Ruiz Dotras, Elisabet (1) Igual Molina, David (1) Pérez Mira, Domingo (1) Gómez-Cedeño, Milena (1) Guitart i Tarrés, Laura (1) Morantes Guerra, Shantall (1) Li Zeng, Yohana (1) Closa Noguera, Oriol (1) López Parada, José (1) Sánchez Marcos, Marina (1) Platas Ruiz, Verònica (1) Thomas Currás, Helena (1) Baldoví, Purificación (1) Rimbau-Gilabert, Eva (1) Mallén Broch, Francisco Fermín (1) Domínguez Escrig, Emilio (1) Rosanas Martí, Josep Maria (1) Giner Sánchez, David (1) Richards, Greg (1) Gascón, Jordi (1) Cañada, Ernest (1) Garcia Jané, Jordi (1) Sanchis, Joan Ramon (1) Bach Oller, Elisabet (1) Campos-i-Climent, Vanessa (1) Hirota, Yasuyuki (1) Fernández Rodríguez, Oriol (1) Berzosa Alonso-Martínez, Carlos (1) Español Casanovas, Ferran (1) de la Villa Aleman, Laura (1) Ribera Fumaz, Ramon (1) Gázquez Abad, Juan Carlos (1) Sánchez-Toledo Ledesma, Agustín (1) Salas Ollé, Carles (1) Rimbau-Gilabert, Eva (1) Dalmau Pons, Ines (1) Ferrer Puig, Ramon (1) de Montserrat i Nonó, Jaume (1) Molinero Ruiz, Emilia (1) Nájera Chico, Julià (1) Ros Pueyo, Andrés (1) Tvrdy Moix, Jiri (1) Bestratén Belloví, Manuel (1) García González-Castro, Guillermo (1) Macías Perea, Daniel (1) Ruiz Posino, Àlex (1) Tugores Ques, Juan (1) Luis Tomás, Mariona (1) Caballé, Daniel (1) Mollá, Alexandre (1) Blanch, Gil (1) Manrique Pérez, María Francisca (1) Peñarroya i Farell, Montserrat (1) Rodríguez, Inma (1) Ruiz Dotras, Elisabet (1) Serradell López, Enric (1) Plana Erta, Dolors (1) Liviano Solís, Daniel (1) Manzanares, Joan (1)
A holistic view of wellbeing: personal sovereignty, state and sustainability
Joan Miquel Gomis, Fernando Álvarez

Oikonomics, the UOC’s magazine of economics, business and society, organized a presentation event on 19 June 2024, of which we attach a video, of a very special edition such as that of its tenth anniversary. For this reason, the publication devotes a monograph to the analysis of well-being from a holistic view. A vision that, on the one hand, addresses the analysis of the current challenges posed by the welfare society, understood as a system by which the public administration guarantees citizens a set of basic social services, mainly in health, education, pensions, unemployment, housing... to improve their living conditions and promote equal opportunities for personal fulfillment. And, on the other hand, it also incorporates elements of reflection regarding personal well-being with approximations to the study of human strengths and happiness.

This monograph from Oikonomics, therefore, shows well-being as a broad concept to examine how personal sovereignty, collective well-being, welfare state, public education, health, pension system sustainability and tax awareness interact to shape citizenship quality of life. This act organized in the College of Economists addresses this analysis from three areas: personal sovereignty, the role played by the public sector in the construction of the welfare society and the sustainability of finances that allow it to be financed. Issues that raise deep questions and future challenges to identify and correct possible adjustments that need to be made to have a fair and efficient welfare state.

Moderated by the coordinator of the monograph, the professor of the Economic and Business Studies of the UOC, Fernando Alvarez, these issues are addressed by three authors of the articles that make up this special edition of Oikonomics: the professor of Economics of the Universitat de Barcelona, Alejandro Esteller; the collaborating professor of the Economic and Business Studies of the UOC, Gemma Segura and the collaborating profesor of the UOC, Laura López. To commemorate Oikonomics’ birthday, the UOC’s director, Àngels Fitó; the vice-rector, Mª Jesús Martínez, the head of the Economic and Business Studies, Xavier Baraza, and the head of Oikonomics, Joan Miquel Gomis, also participated in this presentation.

Paying or not paying taxes? Is that the issue?
Alejandro Esteller-Moré

Individuals, as selfish beings, have incentives not to voluntarily comply with the payment of taxes. This low predisposition differs between countries or, within a country, between individuals. Given the social costs of tax non-compliance, finding mechanisms that can improve this predisposition, that is, without the need for coercive mechanisms, improve “tax morale” is a key aspect for the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of our system. fiscal. In this article, these issues are discussed and various mechanisms are proposed to promote tax morale, the level of which is not necessarily well reflected in the surveys that are usually carried out on this topic.

A critical and different look at women¿s health
Esther Zaballa i Madrid

Women have been invisible in medicine because they have been absent from the subject of biomedical research until the 20th century. Until the last decade of the 20th century, women’s health had been studied and evaluated only in relation to reproductive health and pregnancy and childbirth. It was not until the 1990s that women began to be included in some scientific studies, but without considering the living and working conditions and the key psychosocial burden on health. It is important to emphasize that women are bioaccumulators of toxic substances that affect their health, that of their children and that of their grandchildren.

Promoting welfare through community living: cohousing as an example
Fernando Álvarez

In the constant search for a fuller and more satisfying life, human beings have discovered that one of the most effective ways is through community life. Community life is much more than simply inhabiting the same physical space. It involves a shared commitment to collective well-being, where each individual finds not only emotional support but also opportunities to grow and develop fully. In this article, we will explore how social interaction, collaboration and the sense of belonging to a group can significantly influence our quality of life and general happiness, focusing our attention on a particular model: cohousing.

Personal welfare dimensions: an integral approach
Gemma Segura Virella

Based on the contributions of positive psychology, the author considers that personal welfare comes from the result of mixing the responsible cultivation of our own thinking and emotional world, the relations that we maintain with other people and the meaning we endow our own life.


The article delivers the comprehension of all those scopes and how they contribute to the global result of personal welfare, under the premises that the responsibility of the above-mentioned welfare comes from a personal decision, and it belongs to each human being to come up with the importance of it in your own life.

Public expenditure and welfare state
Juan Francisco Corona Ramón, Amelia Díaz Álvarez

Although Public Finance, understood as an organization of the financial activity of the public sector, in its double aspect of income and expenditure, can be considered as old as the first organized states, it was initially oriented towards the development and financing of activities related to external security, internal order, the justice system and expenses related to the maintenance of the head of state.


It was necessary to wait until the end of the 19th century, and more precisely until the period between the two world wars (mainly at the end of the latter) for the Welfare State to appear, as we know it in our days. State intervention has been especially relevant in: pensions and public transfers, public services in health, education and other social issues, protection standards for workers, consumers and citizens in general, and policies aimed at encouraging the creation and access to employment, both public and private.


However, the evolution of the public sector necessary to maintain the Welfare State has shown a very marked tendency towards growth, which has not been accompanied by the quantitative and qualitative improvement of the public goods and services offered. Over the last decades, the study of these issues has made it possible to identify a series of variables, typical of the functioning of the democratic system and the bureaucracy itself, that explain its inefficient growth, and that should be identified and corrected to obtain a fair and efficient Welfare State.

The sustainability of the pension system in Spain
Joan Llobet Dalmases

This document analyzes the sustainability of the pension system in Spain within the framework of the welfare state. It highlights that pensions are fundamental for providing economic security and reducing poverty among the retired population. However, it warns about the lack of resources to meet long-term pension obligations, with an aging population and other demographic factors as the main challenges.


This paper underlines that the financial strains of the Spanish pension system are evident, with a constant increase in retired people and pension expenditure over time, while affiliations to Social Security have a more volatile behavior.


The document manifests the direct relationship between demographic changes, such as an aging population, low fertility rate and the precariousness of the pension system. It points out that demographic projections indicate a higher proportion of dependent people compared to active contributors, questioning the system’s ability to maintain adequate benefits.


To address these challenges, the paper proposes rethinking the welfare state and adopting sustainable public policies that promote an equitable distribution of resources and emphasizes the importance of increasing the retirement age, extending working life and linking pensions to life expectancy.

Inequality and education system. Proposals to compensate inequality in the Spanish case
Laura López Domínguez

TIn the Spanish education system, as in those of many other countries, students are divided into two types: those who attend a state school and those who attend a private one (whether state-funded or not). Private schools are mainly attended by the children of the better-off. This article explains how this system generates and preserves inequality. We will study the possibility of substituting this model with a completely public one and will discuss other alternatives: tax modifications, school vouchers and the introduction of positive discrimination policies to compensate for the disadvantaged position of those who attended state schools and universities, namely the provision of a number of employment positions both in the private and the public sectors.

From GDP to well-being assessment: new perspectives in measuring economic progress
Marc Cortés Rufé

This article critically examines the adequacy of the gross domestic product (GDP) as the sole indicator of economic and social well-being, proposing the need to integrate more holistic approaches in development assessment. It is argued that while GDP reflects the economic capacity of a nation, it fails to address fundamental aspects such as environmental impacts, human rights and cultural variables. The adoption of gross national happiness (GNH) by countries like Bhutan and Myanmar is mentioned as a pioneering approach that evaluates the quality of life from holistic and psychological perspectives, significantly distinguishing itself from the traditional GDP. Furthermore, the human development index (HDI) is discussed as a more inclusive indicator, encompassing dimensions such as life expectancy, education and income level, thereby providing a more comprehensive metric for human progress. This approach stands in contrast to the limitations of GDP by offering a more complete picture of human development. Consequently, the article advocates for a new economic paradigm that transcends the traditional focus on GDP and seeks a more thorough and sustainable understanding of human well-being, adapting to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Infographic: 10 years of data

Oikonomics magazine edited by the UOC Economics and Business Studies celebrates its 10 years. For this reason, an infographic is published in this edition that includes the highlights of the magazine’s impact and visibility during this period, as well as information on its articles’ thematic orientation.

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