Social and solidarity economy: experiences and challenges
Professor and researcher of the Economic and Business Studies (EEE) of the University Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Academic Director of the UOC Master Degree in Sustainability and Social Responsibility Management. EEA’s Alliances, Community and Culture Assistant subdirector. Teaching subjects: sustainability, social responsibility and economic alternatives. Scope of research: complementary currencies, social economy and local development.
Director of Oikonomics magazine. Aggregate Professor of Economic and Business Studies (UOC). He has been the academic director of the Tourism postgraduate and the degree (UOC) in the period 2006-2017. Doctor by the Department of Economics and Business Organization (UB). Bachelor of Information Science (UAB). His teaching and research (in the UOC’s NOUTUR group) focuses on the field of tourism in the application of ICTs to marketing, innovation and quality, sustainability and responsibility, destination management and public tourism management.