Editorial: Redefining infrastructures for sustainable mobility
Doctorate in Transport Engineering and Infrastructure (UPC), engineer of Paths, Canals and Ports (UPC), and master’s in Organizational Management (UOC). Associate professor of Economics and Business Studies at the UOC and member of the research group Sustainability, Management and Transport (SUMAT). Prior to this, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge an intern with the European Committee (DG MOVE), associate professor at the UPC and external consultant for the UOC. He also has experience in project management in civil engineering, urban planning and transport in private businesses at an international level.
Doctorate in Economic Geography from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Associate Professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Senior Lecturer at Cranfield University, and Graduate Faculty at Central Washington University. He has published numerous scientific articles in the field of air travel management. He has also advised public and private organizations in Europe, the UK and America, and has contributed to international media channels such as The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Economist, CNN and BBC, among others.