25 years of responsible evolution towards sustainability
In a socioeconomic situation like our current one, it is difficult to understand the future of organizations without considering social responsibility. Looking at this future with a certain guarantee of success requires looking back to learn and gather drive. This article presents the evolution of social responsibility over the last twenty-five years, analyzing international and national initiatives, legislative instruments and self-regulatory framework, progress in commitment and level of involvement of organizations, as well as the consequences of Covid-19. Important progress is noted, with organizations that are increasingly conscious of the impact of their activities, making socially responsible decisions beyond their legal obligations. However, there is still much to do in the management of a social responsibility that guarantees sustainability and sustainable development in the medium and long term.
Professor and researcher of the Economic and Business Studies (EEE) of the University Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Academic Director of the UOC Master Degree in Sustainability and Social Responsibility Management. EEA’s Alliances, Community and Culture Assistant subdirector. Teaching subjects: sustainability, social responsibility and economic alternatives. Scope of research: complementary currencies, social economy and local development.