Quantum innovation: the next wave of digital transformation?
Quantum computers are receiving more and more attention in the media, with the promise of becoming a revolution in computing and digital communications. Nowadays, we cannot know for sure whether this promise will be fulfilled, but it is possible to get an idea of where things could go. The objective of this article is to give a brief overview of quantum information technologies and their future possibilities. After a concise summary of the fundamentals of quantum computing and the current state of the technology, we make a review of the main areas in which the technology can lead to innovations that substantially improve the performance of the current technology. Finally, we point out some possible effects of the development of quantum computing in today’s economy and society.

BSc and MSc in Physics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). MBA and PhD in Management Sciences from ESADE (Ramon Llull University). He was a visiting researcher at the Warwick Business School of the University of Warwick, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford. His current research focuses on topics relating to the strategic management of information and knowledge, social media, competitive intelligence, innovation and complexity in organizations. He is the head researcher for the consolidated research group KIMO on the management of information and knowledge in organizations, and he directs the Master in Strategic Management of Information and Knowledge in Organizations at the UOC.