DossierISSUE 1 (MAY 2014)
Special dossier “E-learning and economics and business”

A key issue to consider

e-learning;  economics;  business;  quality education;  decent work and economic growth; 

In this first issue of Oikonomics, we are devoting a special dossier to the use of e-learning in higher education and in-company continuing training. Though this may seem like an unusual subject for an economics journal to address, there are two good reasons to focus on this topic. First, as instructors in economics and business studies we have been involved in virtual education in our areas of knowledge for many years and have developed considerable methodological expertise when it comes to facilitating learning in our subject areas. Second, we have seen e-learning become a key tool for facilitating employee training in the workplace, a development that has important implications for skill-building and labour productivity. All these issues need to be addressed from the perspective of our disciplines.



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