Temas digital transformation (8) industry, innovation and infrastructure (5) decent work and economic growth (4) society (2) working time reduction (1) labour economics (1) distributive conflict (1) feminist economics (1) ecological economics (1) post-work studies (1) work organization (1) productivity (1) work-life balance (1) social transformation (1) quantum information (1) quantum computation (1) quantum computers (1) economics (1) partnerships for the goals (1) digital culture (1) cultural change management (1) innovation (1) transfer (1) technology (1) no poverty (1) social media (1) user experience (1) loyalty (1) home appliance (1) telework (1) hybrid work (1) digitization (1) COVID-19 (1) transformation (1) value (1) evolutionary economics (1) general purpose technologies (1) techno-economic paradigm (1) industrial rupture (1) responsible consumption and production (1) gender equality (1) quotas (1) boards of director (1) STEM (1) industry 4.0 (1) professional profiles (1) FinTech (1) fintech ecosystem (1) banking digitalisation (1) banking transformation (1) digital finance transformation (1) bank-fintech collaboration (1) logistics 4.0 (1) Mediterranean Corridor (1) supply chain management (SCM) (1) SCM (1) axis gauge (1) freight transportation (1) additive manufacturing (1) 3D printing (1) value chain (1) supply chain (1) logistic transformation (1) leadership (1) psychological wellbeing (1) management (1) stress (1) occupational health (1) transformational leadership (1) good health and well-being (1) knowledge management (1) information management (1) organisation (1) social media (1) sustainable cities and communities (1) distance learning (1) education (1) entrepreneurship (1) quality education (1)
Resultados para la búsqueda "education" : 15 resultados
Theoretical perspectives on reducing working hours: has the time to work less arrived?
Joan Sanchis i Muñoz

This article examines various economic and sociopolitical perspectives on reducing working hours in the current context. Six main approaches are analysed: the income-leisure choice of neoclassical economics, the distributive conflict of Marxist political economy, the optimization of production processes, the centrality of reproductive work in feminist economics, ecological considerations, and post-work theories. The article shows how these perspectives, often complementary but sometimes contradictory, offer a complex and multifaceted view of the issue. It concludes that the confluence of factors such as technological changes, environmental concerns and new conceptions of work is driving a renewed debate about reducing working hours, posing challenges and opportunities for transforming work organization in contemporary society.

Quantum innovation: the next wave of digital transformation?
Agustí Canals

Quantum computers are receiving more and more attention in the media, with the promise of becoming a revolution in computing and digital communications. Nowadays, we cannot know for sure whether this promise will be fulfilled, but it is possible to get an idea of where things could go. The objective of this article is to give a brief overview of quantum information technologies and their future possibilities. After a concise summary of the fundamentals of quantum computing and the current state of the technology, we make a review of the main areas in which the technology can lead to innovations that substantially improve the performance of the current technology. Finally, we point out some possible effects of the development of quantum computing in today’s economy and society.

The success factors in digital transformation
Elisabeth Margarit

Digitization is currently one of the main priorities for companies and entities in the Spanish market. Understanding digital transformation as the “transformation of the business based on digital technologies”, in this article we developed a key aspect to ensure its success: taking special care of the employee, guiding the evolution of the organization’s cultural change to a digital culture that allows the customer to be placed at the centre. Only through a methodological and planned approach is it possible to accompany employees.

Innovate, transform and transfer
Eduard Martín Lineros

The development of electronics, telecommunications, and computing during the 20th century is one of the fastest and most transformative revolutions in human history. Compared to the successive revolutions in society’s progress since prehistoric history, it creates a new paradigm of progress that continues to be difficult to assimilate. The times between scientific findings, their realization in products or services, and their understanding by society, are becoming shorter and more demanding. Understanding how innovation, not only technological but also global, translates into a real transformation of society, its processes and how people approach it, requires the coordination of all social actors to achieve equitable and sustainable economic and social progress.


This article contextualizes and explores the keys to the relationship between innovation – understood as a complex process –, transformation – which is now digital –, and the transfer of knowledge necessary for the former to really become a transformative element of society.

Social Media Analytics: improvement of customer experience and loyalty in home appliance industry
Jorge Lara Guillén

The aim of this Master’s Thesis is to manage customer relations based on the information obtained by monitoring the reviews and comments posted by users on social media about a certain product, in this case, home appliances from BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, a leading European manufacturer, in order to strengthen the customer-brand relationship in terms of experience, satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation, generating value and providing relevance to people beyond their status as consumers.


The methodology used is a descriptive research of a conclusive nature on a sample made up of more than eight hundred thousand comments posted on social networks by users of home appliances between 2019 and 2020. The data collection was carried out using VICO Analytics, a tool developed by the company VICO Research & Consulting. The data collected was analysed using the R Commander statistical package, feeding the qualitative and quantitative research.


The results of this Final Work for the Master in Innovation and Digital Transformation showed that the relationship with the customer generates enormously valuable information for the company and, therefore, it is essential to have a continuously updated database in order to achieve the success of the proposed loyalty objectives. At a time of extraordinary change, to stay one step ahead, data analysis can improve companies’ ability to react, allowing them to take the lead in decision-making based on the current situation and to manage scenarios beyond short-term objectives. Social Media Analytics is presented as an indispensable tool for companies to innovate their business models and products as a way to meet the needs and expectations of the consumer, offering a memorable experience that generates trust in the brand and thus achieving the goal of loyalty.


The Final Work for the Master's can be found at this link:

Telework in evolution: a narrative approach
Mar Sabadell i Bosch

The purpose of this article is to provide some basic information on telework and to develop, in parallel, some reflections on this economic reality and the role of its legal regulation.

For some years, we have been observing a process of transformation of the nuclear bases on which we have built our labour relations. It is the result of digitalization, which challenges the logic of physical concentration and detaches activity from a single, static location. In other words, telework comes as standard with digitalization. However, it is only when its advancement became so abrupt and far-reaching that we noticed the shift and can already sense a break from the traditional work model.

This article explores the evolutionary progress of telework, beginning with two circumstances that were its main driving factors – digitalization and the COVID-19 pandemic –; observing it from a double dimension, namely organizational and regulatory, and summarizing the main changes in the narrative on telework, in order to contribute to the reflection on the work of the future society.

Digitized people from the world, to the net! From the abundant fourth industrial revolution, to the digital rupture and superstar scarcity
Joan Torrent-Sellens

In the last twenty-five years – from 1996 to 2021 – a series of actions have marked the evolution of the economy: from transformations linked to new information and communication technologies to the Covid-19 pandemic, among other things, through to the financial and economic crisis of the second half of the first decade of the 21st century. In this article, we look at the impact of events in the last twenty-five years on economics teaching, whether this is evolving alongside the economic reality or not, what has given rise to a mismatch between economics and the social and economic reality. To analyze this, in the first section, we will tackle the social mission of the “economist” in the sense of being teachers of highly diverse collectives, and in the second section, we will reflect on the evolution of economics teaching at University. The analysis leads us to conclude that, although economics teaching has varied over time, it has not undergone substantial change in recent decades. The lack of diversity of thinking in economics curricula joins forces with a lack of diversity among prominent thinkers and professionals to often translate into an incomplete view explaining the complex economic reality and an interaction with other disciplines, particularly social sciences.

Gender (in)equality in organisations: Progress and stagnation in Spain
Susana González, Ruth Mateos

This work analyses the advances in regard to gender equality which have contributed to the fact that Spain ranks among the 10 leading countries in the latest edition of the Gender Gap Report by the World Economic Forum. This progress is mostly due to the improvement in the political representation of women in ministerial positions and in parliament. However, the economic participation of women in Spain evidences extensive room for improvement, especially in relation to the representation in corporate leadership positions and to a worrying underrepresentation in the emerging professions resulting from the digital transformation. To conclude, the work offers a series of recommendations for improving the economic empowerment of women when it comes to reaching positions of high corporate responsibility. It also recommends to prevent and improve the future economic gap in respect to women’s underrepresentation in science, research and technology professions.

The new professional profiles in the context of Industry 4.0
Xavier Pi Palomés, Pere Tuset-Peiró

This article analyses the reasons that limit the adoption of new technologies and slow down the digital transformation process of companies in the industrial sector. Beyond technical or economic aspects, the origin of the slowdown lies in the lack of transversality of existing professional profiles in the context of Industry 4.0. In view of this, the article also analyses the labour impact and the new professional profiles that will be necessary to deal with the digital transformation process, as well as the role that will be played by experts, working groups and diagnostic tools in this process.

Fintech and the reinvention of finance
David Igual Molina

The banking industry is facing a major transformation of its activity due to the need to reinvent its services (which are expensive and not designed for online use), the change in user demand for digital products and the need to adjust inefficient structures. Traditionally the financial sector has been almost exclusively an area for financial institutions, but the falling cost of technologies has led to the emergence of new players in the industry, such as fintechs, with alternative proposals in all spheres of financial activity, through new mobile-first and data-driven formulas. However, after a few years, most of these new companies experience scalability problems and, going against their original philosophy, they end up collaborating with banks, generating a partnership of mutual interest: fintechs contribute to the transformation of the bank, and with the support of the bank, they achieve growth that they would not achieve alone. Through these banking-fintech partnerships, a paradox arises in that these entities which initially challenged the banks may end up being their point of support, ensuring the change to the banking sector is quicker and more transformational than disruptive. Conversely, the fintechs that remain in competition with the banks (between 20% and 25%) are forced into mergers, agreements, etc. in order to break-even. In Spain, the growth problems in these areas of competition with the banks (robo-advisors and crowdlending) seem even more intense than in other countries.

The most significant problem for banks comes from the large tech operators that have the capacity to unseat financial institutions in some of the most profitable spheres of activity. It seems impossible for banks to maintain total control of the business in the spheres that are shared with tech operators, such as purchase payments and money transfers. However, banks have an advantage in terms of their widely-recognised customer data protection management, which is a value in which they clearly exceed the fintechs.

Banks are developing multiple agreement strategies with fintechs, such as direct purchases, acceleration and incubation programmes, venture capital funds, service agreements and partnership agreements. Proper analysis of each area of innovation is crucial to identify the contributions made by a fintech, and the key variables are the capacity to generate volume and ability to displace current banking services. This article proposes a relationship model consisting of the gradual integration of fintechs into banking environments through: i) integration into the core of the bank; ii) collaboration or service agreements; iii) contributing to their development through acceleration and incubation programmes and the launch of “challenger” programmes or competitions to discover talent.

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