Resultados para la búsqueda "Álvarez, Fernando" : 3 resultados
Promoting welfare through community living: cohousing as an example
Fernando Álvarez

In the constant search for a fuller and more satisfying life, human beings have discovered that one of the most effective ways is through community life. Community life is much more than simply inhabiting the same physical space. It involves a shared commitment to collective well-being, where each individual finds not only emotional support but also opportunities to grow and develop fully. In this article, we will explore how social interaction, collaboration and the sense of belonging to a group can significantly influence our quality of life and general happiness, focusing our attention on a particular model: cohousing.

Editorial: A holistic vision of welfare: personal sovereignty, state and sustainability
Fernando Álvarez
Actions and challenges that have shaped business management over the past 25 years
Fernando Álvarez, Agustí Canals, Mónica Cerdán, Natàlia Cugueró-Escofet, Dalilis Escobar, Àngels Fitó Bertran, Laura Lamolla , Josep Lladós-Masllorens, Enric Serradell, Pere Suau-Sanchez

Coinciding with the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration of the UOC, the following article aims to review the main transformations that the basic areas of business have undergone over the past two and a half decades. For this, we have enjoyed the participation of five female and five male professors in the studies of economy and business, who have given us some broad strokes on some of the main changes during this period and the challenges still to come. These topics are: leadership, decision-making, internationalization, digitalization, strategy, adaptation to change, ethics, corporate social responsibility, diversity, inclusion, business modal innovation, and finance.

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